Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fifteen Q&A’s Joel Guy

1. What got you into filming?
My mom bought a digital-8 camcorder and i kinda made
owner of it. Andy (Irons) asked if I would film him
surfing. I-movie really hooked me on the editing end.
I couldnt believe how simple it was. I had a hard time
going to sleep, i wanted to edit all the time. Shoot
all day and edit all night.

2. how sweet is it to live in Kauai?
I dont think i could have written a better place to
grow up. I dont remember choosing were to be born so
the gratitude to my mom for giving up her dreams to
raise her children on the beach on Kauai is huge. As
an adult deciding to stay on Kauai has worked out very

3. What does your day consist of?
MySpace... No, I wake early (6am) and review what ever
film project kept me up late the night before, get a
fresh look at it and continue to work it out. I break
from 7:15 until 8 to have breakfast with my son and
get him off to school and get my days drinkin water
ration. Then surf till about 11 or 12. If the boys are
in town I will adjust to film the morning surf. I
spend alot of afternoons in meetings trying to improve
life. I usualy paint pictures after waching the sunset
and bounce between canvas and final-cut until i pass
out... thats when im not pimpin.

4. do you ever get vibed out on your home turf?
No, I usually have to keep myself in check, make sure
im not vibing anybody.

5. How often does Bruce land on people while your filming?
The one time Bruce landed on Abe in the water
infront of me it freaked me out. I was filming and
couldnt believe what i saw. I think it freaked Bruce
out even more. Everyone came up after the wave passed
wondering how much blood and brains would be floating
in the water.

6. You are a proud parent, how does that influence your life?
I grew up partying very.... VERY hard. Lots and lots
of drugs and alcohol. On February 6th 1996 the girl i
had just broken up with called me after moving back to
Kansas. She said she was pregnant. I have not had a
drink or drug since that day. My son is 10 and he is a
true rockstar. I live an amazing life because I was
blessed with Cole in it.

7. You are politically involved in helping Kauai heel some underlying wounds, what does this consist of?
I am very politically involved locally. I feel we all
have to be... or dont bitch about ANYTHING. If we do
all we can to improve issues such as affordable
housing, drug addiction, unrealistic development,
infrastructure issues, things get better. It makes
little sense to complain with out experience. If we
eat only things that come from within 50 miles of our
homes, life WILL improve (50 mile diet)

8. Are you living your dreams?
I think im living most peoples dreams..

9. Who is the coolest person you ever met?
Probably Hanah, no bullshit.

10. What books are you reading.
I just returned from the most amazing trip to the
Mentawais in Indonesia and I brought along Barack
Obamas book. I read some of it but found myself
getting barreled to much to get into it, i will
continue to try.

11. Why did you get involved with NossaTV?
I think its the right thing to do. Not necessarily
NossaTV but anything you can do to lesson the
footprint we leave on the planet. NossaTV eliminates
plastic dvd covers, fuel, so much less has to be
manufactured to get the project out.

12. Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
Cole, no question.

13. What do you do to get away from it all?
I think i am away from it all.

14. Are you superstitious?
I am very spiritual, i visualize, pray, feel... all
could be seen as superstitious. I dont have any
goodluck charms.

15. Shout outs, Props to:
My sons mom, my mom, all moms. The people from the
planning commission who voted "no" on the additional
development at cocopalms resort.

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